Make Your First Dollar Online: 5 Easy Ways{2021 Edition}

AI Money Tips
12 min readMar 3, 2022


First Dollar Online

So you’ve decided to start your own online business and make your first dollar online. I’m assuming that you’ve tried all the things that most people do when they decide they want to be a millionaire. You’ve also tried starting a blog about your favorite hobby, only to realize how hard it is to make money online.

When I started my journey towards making money online, I was like most of you. I spent countless hours on the internet, trying to find ways to achieve financial freedom. After a lot of trial and error, I finally found some tips to make extra income online. That tip was easy, quick, and used artificial intelligence to automate the process.

I’m going to share with you tips & tricks that you can use to make your first dollar online, so you can do the same. This is what I did and it worked for me.

By the end of this article, you will have all the ideas necessary to make your first dollar online and a FREE BONUS. So, let’s start our journey of making lots of money.

Make Your First Dollar Online: The Easy Way!

It is easy to make your first dollar online, and I’m going to show you how to do it. This post will be about making passive income. Even if you have never made a single dime online, you will learn to get started and turn it into a full-time business.

This post may be long, but please stick with me until the end for FREE BONUS!

It is not hard to make your first dollar online as most people think. It’s all about creating a business and then getting your product in front of customers. If you have a great product, it’s easy to make your first dollar online. The key is to figure out what people want and then give it to them. The idea is ‘niche’ in the online world. You want to find a niche that is profitable and that you can get into.

Remember this formula: Evergreen Niche + High CPC + Passion = MONEY!

What is Evergreen Niche?

An evergreen niche is a term or phrase that describes a blog topic that never goes out of style. In other words, content created in an evergreen niche will never, ever go out of date. And the best part is, you can create content once, and then come back to generate more traffic from it for years to come. For example dogs, weight loss, etc.

What does High CPC means?

CPC or cost per click refers to the amount paid for every click on an advertisement. It is often used to figure out the value of a keyword. The higher the CPC, the more valuable it is for advertisers.

The first step is to find the ROI of your niche using the formula: (net profit/total digital marketing costs) x 100. The ROI of your content plays a big role in determining which channels and platforms to use. Before using any platform, it’s important to know the return on your investment you can expect.

This will help make decisions on the distribution of content on different platforms. This will also help to deduce how much time you should spend promoting it.

The best way to create the brand is either via the free method(eg. youtube channel) or paid method(eg. custom website).

You can also market your services straight to businesses if you have the right skillset.

Once you have your basic business set up, start thinking of ideas to get your products in front of customers. One way to do so is through social media advertising. It allows you to target specific demographics and get your products in front of the right people. When you’re ready to get started, I recommend using Facebook and Instagram ads. They’re both easy to use and very affordable.

Here are some of the best free resources for learning how to use Facebook and Instagram ads as a beginner:

First, you have to answer these questions: Are you ready to make your first dollar online? What do you want it to become? Where do you see it in six months, a year, or five years?

You can leave a comment with your answer for proof. I would love to hear from you.

Once you answer the question, you have a goal in your mind. This is very important for long-term success.

Once you are ready, here is our list of tricks that will help you to make your first dollar online.

Tip #1. Find A Niche

To make your first dollar online, you need to find a niche that you love and can write about. It will be difficult to build an audience if you don’t love what you’re working on.

Whether you are a blogger or vlogger, you need at least one thing to start with: an idea. And this is where most people fail because they don’t know what to write about.

Most people don’t know where to get ideas from, and so they think it’s gonna be hard work. But the truth is that everyone has something interesting to say and all you have to do is find it.

How To Find An Idea For Your Business?

Well, It’s important to know that ideas are everywhere. You can find them in the most unexpected places, and you don’t have to look far. You need to pay close attention and be open-minded to new suggestions. Here are some ways to find an idea for your business:

  • Read the newspaper.
  • Watch the news on TV or read the news online.
  • Read a magazine or a blog about a topic that interests you
  • Listen to the podcasts.
  • Watch a movie or TV show that sparks an idea for your business.
  • Talk to people about their jobs and what they do every day.

Once you find an idea, it may be a broad niche like ‘digital marketing’. It is very difficult and expensive to rank on these broad niches. You need to narrow it down to subcategories or long-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords are the keywords derived from broad niches. They have less competition and more traffic, unlike their broad niche.

For example, instead of digital marketing, you can narrow it to its subcategories like SEO, SEM. You can further narrow it down to long-tail keywords like “SEO for beginners”.

It is very difficult and time-consuming for humans. But, there are many free or paid with free trial-based tools available in the market to help you out. Some of the tools, websites are Semrush, Ahrefs, LongTail Pro. Ahrefs is the best tool in the market for all your research and analysis needs. It has features like keyword research, SEO analysis, backlinks analysis, and much more. You can sign up for a 7 days trial of Ahrefs here at $7.

If you do not want to invest your money at the start, you can use H-super tools:: Free SEO & Digital Marketing tools.

Once you find a great idea with less competition and more traffic, along with high CPC, you have hit a goldmine. Start creating valuable content and post it before anyone else.

Tip #2. Learn To Promote Yourself Online (This Is Key!)

If you want to become a successful business owner, become an expert at marketing yourself. This skill is as important as any other digital marketing skill, if not more so.

For instance, let’s say you selected a niche and created a website based on it using Hostinger or Bluehost. Now, how do you get people to notice you and your content? How do you promote yourself online in a way that will generate buzz, clicks, and followers?

Writing articles and creating videos about what you know is the best way to start. Now, you need to establish yourself on the first page of the search engine using SEO techniques. Then, you can branch out and rank on other things. Keep in mind that you’ll want to be able to apply your unique voice to every topic that you cover.

As far as promoting your blog goes, I have one simple suggestion: DO SOMETHING EVERY DAY. The little things add up over time, and consistency is key when it comes to building an audience.

There are many easy and effective ways to grow your business fast and make your first dollar online.

Using SEO To Make Your First Dollar Online

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a powerful way to get free traffic. It is the process of ranking on the organic traffic from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo.

The main purpose of SEO is to create an optimal user experience. You can do this by targeting search terms relevant to your audience. By using SEO, you can increase your search visibility and drive more traffic to your site.

There are two types of SEO: On-page SEO and Off-page SEO

On-page SEO

The On-page SEO helps in optimizing the content for search engines. This include having proper keywords and good keyword density. It also includes the use of heading tags, bold and italic text, URL slug, meta description, etc.

I use the Yoast SEO WordPress plugin for all my On-page SEO needs. Another great alternative to Yoast SEO is Rank Math. You can read the comparison between Rank Math vs Yoast here and choose which is better for you.

Off-page SEO

Once you get that right, it’s time to focus on Off-page SEO. Off-page SEO is all about promotions outside the website. This is where the hard work comes in.

You need to start promoting your website on social media, forums, and other places with lots of people.

There are many ways to do this, but here are a few common ideas:

  • Guest blogging on other websites
  • Commenting on other blogs
  • Creating videos and posting them to YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
  • Posting on forums in your niche or related niches (start with the smaller ones)
  • Sending out emails to your list

It’s important to note that this is a never-ending process. You can’t sit down after creating a website and expect it to be successful. You need to continue promoting it for it to grow.

It’s also important to note that you shouldn’t focus on one promotion method. Try out a few different ones and see what works best for you.

For detailed guides and methods, you can check out Backlinko.

Quick Question: What’s your favorite way to promote your website?

Comment down your answer below!

Email Marketing To Make Your First Dollar Online

One of the best ways to promote your business online and make your first dollar fast is email marketing. Email marketing can have an ROI of 122% or more without a doubt which is INSANE!

It’s easy to get started and it’s a great way to connect with your customers. So start collecting emails as soon as possible. As a beginner, there are many ways to collect emails without traffic of your own. You can do this by promoting your affiliate offers, using a squeeze page, or even using a giveaway.

Once you have an email list, you can start sending out regular emails to your subscribers. The most important thing is to make sure that the content of your emails is good. You can also include a special offer in your emails.

As you get more subscribers, you can then start promoting your products and services. You can also add sign-up forms to your website. The best place to put sign-up forms is at the bottom of your blog. This process has become more simple due to the AI-based automation software and tools.

You can use software like Aweber, GetResponse to collect and organize email campaigns. If you have a WordPress blog, you can use plugins like OptinMonster to add sign-up forms to your website.

I use a platform called for all my email marketing needs. is an amazing email automation tool to make it easier and more effective for any business. can help to create autoresponders, funnels, and much more with simple clicks. I recommend to anyone serious about building a profitable online business!

Social Media Marketing To Make Your First Dollar Online

Another best way to promote your business is through social media. With the help of social media marketing, more businesses are building a huge audience. In fact, according to research, you can find more brands on social media than search engines.

As with all things online, it’s important to learn how to promote yourself online the right way. It can help you to get a more super targeted audience at less promotion cost.

It’s important to remember that social media is a two-way street. While you’re promoting your brand, others are doing the same. It’s important to stay on top of what others are doing online. The best way to do this is to grow your social media accounts with the right audience.

Tip #3. Be Consistent With Your Writing

The key to success when it comes to online marketing is to provide valuable content on regular basis. If you are on a blog, why not promote other posts that pair well with the topic at hand? Why not use your Instagram or Twitter to promote a piece of content you put out that week? But, you do not want to be spammy or obnoxious because you’ll turn people off.

When it comes to writing content, you want to provide value. It’s not about trying to sell something or promote a product. Instead, it’s about providing information that people can use and apply in their own lives. If you can do that, you’ll be able to build a following of people who will read your content and come back for more.

But how do you know what your audience wants? Well, you have to ask them.

The best way to ask them for their opinions is in surveys. Surveys are a great way to get direct feedback from your audience.

The best part is that you can create them yourself, for free. There are plenty of survey tools out there that you can use to create your surveys. But there is a CATCH!

I’m not talking about the kind of surveys where you throw a bunch of questions at people and hope they answer them. I’m talking about surveys that ask the right questions, that are short and to the point, and that get results. If you want to create surveys that get results, then you need to follow these 5 steps:

  • Set up your survey with the right questions.
  • Write a great call to action.
  • Make sure your survey is easy to fill out.
  • Get feedback from your target audience.
  • Make sure you’re using the right tools.

The most important thing about building an audience and trust is to be honest and consistent.

Tip #4. Have Patience

If you want to make money online, it will not happen in one day. Whether you are building a blog or an online store, it will take time.

One thing that people don’t like about building an online business is that it takes time. As soon as a person realizes how much time and work it need, they will quit. But if you have patience, it will pay off in the end.

Being an online entrepreneur is a lot of work, but it’s also a lot of fun. You get the best of both worlds by getting to be your boss and earning the kind of money you’ve always dreamed of. But that means you have to make time for it, whether it’s writing blog posts or creating product listings.

To stay motivated and on track, take a few minutes each day to focus on the bigger picture. Ask yourself questions like why you’re doing what you’re doing, and how you plan to achieve your goals. If you need some inspiration, look for quotes from entrepreneurs who have made it big. Those quotes will help to keep your eye on the prize and remind you why you started your business in the first place.

Tip #5. And Last But Not Least, HAVE FUN!

Let’s face it: content creation or running an online business is not the most exciting task in the world. It’s a lot easier to watch a show on Netflix or play your favorite video game!

But bear in mind that this is a great opportunity for you to improve your content and learn something new. So, instead of getting bored to death and procrastinating, try to find a way to enjoy the process.

It’s a lot easier said than done. But if you force your mind to think outside the box for new ideas, you’ll be able to keep your content fresh and engaging.

You are going to have more fun if you enjoy what you’re doing. In the end, you’ll be glad that you put in the effort!


It’s important to remember that making passive income online is not an overnight process. The most successful business owners take their time to learn and to build their business. Also, they are regular in improving upon what they are doing. Once you have some money, reinvest it in yourself and your business. Investing in yourself means learning more about the digital world you have entered.

I hope that this article has helped provide a solid foundation for your personal growth. For those who choose to take action but feel that the learning curve is more of a rollercoaster, you can reach out to me. Let’s work together to crush your goals!

At last, share it with your friends who are struggling to earn their first dollar online.



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